GOLD COAST LITTLE THEATRE September 9 – October 1
Preview: 9th September, Opening: 10th September, Matinee: 11th September Thursday: 15th September, Friday: 16th September, Saturday: 17th September, Matinee: 18th September, Thursday: 22nd September ,Friday: 23rd September, Saturday: 24th September Matinee: 25th September Thursday: 29th September, Friday: 30th September, Closing: 1st October
JEKYLL AND HYDE Directed by Stuart Morgan MD: Ann Sparks Choreographers: Flynn Anderson and Hayley Green
VENUE: Gold Coast Little Theatre
21A Scarborough Street, Southport QLD
PH: 07 5532 2096

Todd Jesson
Todd Jesson takes on the dynamic roles of Dr Henry Jekyll and Mr Edward Hyde, - one, a doctor, passionate and romantic; the other, a terrifying madman. The ancient tale of good vs evil was first published in the 1800's.
"And what if you're right, Jekyll? And you DO separate good from evil - What happens to the EVIL?"

The Jekyll & Hyde Ensembe
"So, what is the sinister secret? The lie he will tell you is true. It's that each man you meet in the street isn't one man, but two!"

Cat Deller
Introducing one of the leading ladies "Lucy" played by the gorgeous Cat Deller. Lucy is the lead performer at the "Red Rat" with hit songs such as "Bring on the Men", "Sympathy, Tenderness", "Someone Like You" and "A New Life". When she meets Jekyll, she feels like she has finally found a guy who shows her respect and falls for him even though deep down she knows she can't have him.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to see this talented lady perform before she tours Australia starring in the We Will Rock You Areana production as OZ.

Chloe Smith
Leading lady "Emma" is played by the beautiful Chloe Smith. Emma was born into the upper-class, the daughter of Sir Danvers and a model for propriety. Engaged to Dr Henry Jekyll, who she shows true love for as she fights to try and keep him strong when she sees him struggling. Chloe's angelic voice is so suited to the beautiful classics such as "Take Me as I Am" and "Once Upon a Dream".
Catch the preview show Friday the 9th of September. Tickets $15 at the door - no bookings required.
Show will run from the 10th of September - 1st of October.
Follow the link to book now! https://gclt.com.au/jekyll-hyde