The return of Murwillumbah Theatre Company’s latest play,The Old People Are
Revolting is less than three weeks away! Opening on Fri Aug 5 th 7.30 pm at the
Murwillumbah Civic Centre Auditorium, this highly successful comedy is back
to give Murwillumbah residents (and others) a chance to experience the
eccentric characters and their strange shenanigans.. The play, which was last
performed in March/April this year, had to unexpectedly change venues to the
Tweed Auditorium when the Murwillumbah Auditorium was used as a Flood
Recovery Centre.
The characters are seniors in a retirement village who stand up for their rights
in an unusual feisty manner, which goes viral on the internet all over the
world! Even though it is a comedy, it portrays some of the negative ways in
which seniors can be treated.
There are three performances only (Fri Aug 5, Sat Aug 6 at 7.30 pm and Sun
Aug 7 at 2 pm. Seating will be cabaret style at tables with BYO food and drinks.
There are currently no Covid restrictions but patrons are advised to be
personally responsible. Tickets are $25 a head adults and $10 children
Bookings are through www.murwillumbahtheatrecompany.com.au or BOOK ONLINE