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The Executive of the Gold Coast Theatre Alliance currently numbers eight volunteers with the

elected positions of President, Secretary of Business,Marketing Advisor/Officer and Treasurer and four appointed/elected volunteer positions - the Assistant Treasurer, Assistant to Marketing Officer, Assistant Secretary of Business and Liaison & WHS Officer..




Duties of the voluntary President of the Gold Coast Theatre Alliance Inc



The voluntary role of the elected President of the Gold Coast Theatre Alliance necessitates an ability to take a “birds eye view” of the activities of the Organization and its Members in order to fulfil the Alliance Mission Statement of promoting, engaging and supporting the diverse Regional Live Performing Arts Community which the Gold Coast Theatre Alliance Inc represents. The President is a voluntary leadership role and all activities are expected to be undertaken in a positive and respectful manner free of bias. The capacity of the President to lead the Alliance and to undertake promotion of the company and its integrative platform in a positive and supportive manner is of utmost importance as the president is the “Face of the Alliance” to members and to the public and is also the official representative of the Gold Coast Theatre Alliance Inc at official events.


The role of the President of the Gold Coast Theatre Alliance aims to fulfil the following responsibilities and objectives:


  • To guide & lead the Alliance along with its Executive Team for the cohesive and collaborative good of all its Theatre Members.

  • To attend Executive and Delegate meetings.

  • To chair Alliance Executive and Delegate meetings.

  • To represent the Gold Coast Theatre Alliance at Official events.

  • To facilitate ‘each unique voice of the Alliance Executive and Members within a respectful and collaborative environment.

  • To encourage a policy of transparency and clarity.

  • To display the necessary leadership posture and decision-making skills.

  • To oversee and enable the setting of policies and strategic direction for the Alliance in consensus with its Executive and Delegate Team, both for the near term and for the foreseeable future.

  • To oversee & ensure the Alliance follows and reviews when necessary, its Mission, policies and procedures according to the legal requirements of Incorporation laws.

  • To ensure that the Alliance keeps appropriate company, financial and legal trading records.

  • To oversee with other board members that the Alliance always operates in a financially viable manner.

  • To emphasize that the Executive Team are aware of the team expectations and procedures within the framework of their own executive responsibilities and duties, including the responsibility of reporting to the appropriate Alliance Executives and member company Delegates.

  • To ensure that regular meetings are upheld where the President and all members at these meetings can openly and regularly ask for verbal updates and formal reports so there is knowledge of where the Alliance always stands.

  • To take responsibility in writing speeches, President addresses and reports when required and necessary


Duties of the Secretary x 2 of the Alliance


Voluntary duties of the elected Secretary of the Alliance are specified in the constitution, but the duties undertaken on behalf of all members, have grown exponentially.


Alliance members have agreed that the tasks of the Secretary be shared by the status of two executive members:   the Secretary of Business and the Marketing Officer especially as these modern tasks incorporate the creation and daily running of a constantly updated website as well as often producing a weekly regular public broadcast and the funding and production of the Alliance’s invaluable printed Directory annually.


This is in addition to membership liaison and oversight and to correspondence and communication with all our vital Member Groups. In addition to regular intercommunication, those tasks include the provision and daily updating of a dynamic website and high activity Social Networks undertaken by Annie/Peta/Wal and the scripting and servicing of a weekly all Gold Coast and Districts’ Radio Broadcast per Joel.


Voluntary Secretary of Business Tasks

  • Liaison with the Marketing team

  • Attend Executive and Delegate meetings.

  • Venue Bookings

  • Meeting organization including notifications, minutes of meetings and agendas; also meeting attendance register.

  • Sharing information particularly with the Secretary of Marketing, the executive and delegates.

  • Researching and preparing official documents.

  • Reporting and storing of correspondence.

  • Nominations/Returns for Annual General Meetings.

  • General Correspondence including open dialogue with correspondence via 

  • Maintenance & storage of Alliance records (shared with Marketing Officer)

  • Research, compile and maintain written Database – of all Alliance members; Register of Members.

  • Research, compile and maintain Data Base of Alliance Events, Shows and Auditions for web, directories and social media; continual updating of same.

  • Annual Grant-seeking for the funding, to allow the production our GCTAI annual Directories. We produce Directories this past two years and these are distributed to locals and tourist accommodation, public libraries, community centtres fro Southport to Ballina and Murwillumbah as well as Mt Tamborine. 

  • Grant applications. Assure acquittal of grants is completed.

  • Compilation and provision of accurate copy for Directory print

  • Contact with Distributors.

  • Collation and supply of sufficient production copies for wide professional distribution.

  • Constitution Files.

  • Webmaster - all website submissions; updating of website; (Shared with second webmaster) 

  • Online History of the Alliance inclusive on website posting of such history.

  • Face Book –  (Shared with Social Media Manager); social media postings also postings to twitter  and google (shared with second web master);

  • Monthly Theatre Guide and maintenance of monthly mailing list; Creation of promotional videos;

  • Organisation of yearly Launch and DSA – Hero Awards (the latter shared with the Executive);

  • Membership applications; Register of Members

  • Letters of Support.

  • Sponsorship.

Voluntary Marketing Advisor/Officer

  • Liaison with Secretary of Business

  • Attend Executive and Delegate meetings.

  • Give marketing advice

  • Sourcing art design and production eg, DSA badges; Banners.

  • Responsibility of the distribution of Directories directly to libraries

  • Liaise with Secretary of Business and Treasurer with invoicing of Directory entries.

  • Research the actual programs and production sources of all members for radio broadcast.

  • Script Radio Programme so that all productions receive mention during duration of season.

  • Record programme weekly install into broadcast system keep a file copy that is used weekly on Alliance website.

  • Planning for the provision of targeted Productions podcast/s.

  • Correspondence

  • Store equipment

  • Postal Box

Voluntary Treasurer Duties


The elected voluntary Treasurer duties include:

  • Prepare; present and record all Financial Reports.

  • Liaison with executive members.

  • Record all financial transactions.

  • Acquittal of grants.

  • Preparation the electronic issue of invoices for membership, directory fees, seat advisor, grant, ad hoc advertisements.

  • Pay all bills incurred by the Alliance in a timely manner including Limited Liability and Volunteer insurance.

  • Identify and resolve any outstanding financial matters.

  • Deliver the Annual Financial audited reported to the AGM.

  • Collate and prepare documents for the annual audit.

  • Organise the audit and full documentation from a professional accountant approved by the AGM.

  • Deliver financial reports to the Executive and Delegate meetings.

  • Attend Executive and Delegate meetings.

  • Maintain database of GCTAI membership –obtained from Secretary of Business/Marketing. (shared contacts list)

  • Bendigo bank (co-signatory) - Prepare electronic & or cheque transactions in conjunction with co-signing Secretary of Marketing - if required bank any Cheque /cash deposit transactions.

  • Reimburse - petty cash.

  • Assist Secretary of Marketing in preparing grant(s) applications / financial components - co- signoff.

  • Undertake to update bank records following AGM - any GCTAI executive signing power changes.

  • In conjunction with Secretary of Business: signoff and ensure payment of the annual company lodgement to the Office of Fair Trading after the AGM.

  • Acquittal (where applicable) of grants in conjunction with Secretary of Marketing.

  • Hold post box key - Check mail in conjunction with Secretary of Marketing.

  • Oversee and financially manage Events of the Alliance including the annual Launch or other events produced by the Alliance from time to time.​



  • Attend Executive and Delegate meetings

  • To assist the Secretary of Business particularly in website production, grant application and documentation

  • Review and record Historical data



  • Attend Executive and Delegate meetings

  • To assist the Treasurer

  • Second signatory to financial transactions



  • Attend Executive and Delegate meetings

  • To assist the Secretary of Media

  • Planning and development of Podcasts



  • Attend Executive and Delegate meetings

  • To liaise with member companies

  • Update and distribution of Contact List

  • Act as WHS Officer for all events.

  • YouTube
  • Alliance Facebook page
  • Theatre Alliance Twitter page
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