Auditions Auditions will take place as follows – Date: Saturday 23 January, 2020 Time: 10am Venue: Gold Coast Little Theatre, 21a Scarborough Street, Southport
Rehearsals Rehearsals will take place- Mon 25 January – Sun 7 March: Monday and Wednesday nights Mon 8 March – Wednesday 13 April: Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights
Show Season Friday 16 April until 9 May, 2021 Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights plus Sunday matinees
Enquiries Dorothy Henderson: please call 5533 2917 or email
English accents are required for all roles.
Peter Hunter – Large role (25-45+ years) Peter is the lead character around which the whole story hangs. He needs to be energetic and have good stamina as he is on stage for virtually the entire play.
Frances Hunter – Large role (25-45+ years) Peter’s new wife. Similarly energetic, and also a large role. The actress should be happy to appear in limited clothing onstage.
Brian Runnicles – Large part (25-60 years) Nervous and geeky character. Slightly put-upon character, but a large amount of work to do on stage. Needs an actor with good comic timing, facial expressions and body language.
Eleanor Hunter – Large role (50+ years) Peter’s mother. She is an elegant and snobby character, and clearly resents Frances for marrying her son. Lots of stage time having digs and pokes at Frances, and quietly stealing several scenes. Proper English accent required.
Leslie Bromhead – Medium role (50+ years) Peter’s boss, the bank manager. Appears at first to be an ogre, but we see him mellow a lot. He has an eye for the ladies and takes no time to start chatting up Peter’s mother.
Superintendant Paul – medium size role (any age) This character is the stock policeman character, but finds himself in several awkward situations. Can easily be injected with wit and enthusiasm. Ideal for an actor wanting a smaller part. Age is not important, but great character acting is!!
Mr Needham – medium size role (40+) This character arrives in act 2 only, and similarly to Mr Bromhead, he appears standoffish at first, but he later gets into all sorts of fun. Actor needs to be comfortable appearing semi naked on stage, and have the two ladies all over him at certain points. Proper English accent required.
Susan – smaller role (20s) Susan is a young, attractive prostitute and appears in suggestive outfits. This is a comic, fun role.
Barbara – non speaking smaller role (20s) Barbara is also a prostitute. Don’t be put off by her non speaking role. She has a lot of fun with Mr Needham, and although the part is small, she will steal the show for sure (act 2 only).
Delivery person – small role / backstage Small part with limited lines. Can be played by any man or woman. Comes on at various points in the play. Perfect for anyone wanting to have a small involvement on stage, and help out backstage.
